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I know what you’re thinking.

How can I create a 10-year vision for my church when Sunday is always coming?

How can I think of a 10-year vision when the world is shifting 10 years every month?

These challenges are the reason that it’s time to pause from working in it and start working on the future of your church.

Sunday is always coming, but your city needs the best that your church can bring. The world is changing rapidly, but that means we need to dream big about the best future. A 10-year vision is you leaning away from the chaos and into the Great Commission.

What Does a 10-Year Vision Do For My Church?

At Growmentum we help churches work on it and not just in it. If your Church does not have a future that you are aiming towards you end up playing whack-a-mole solving the same problems every week. (Yes – there are always not enough kid’s ministry volunteers.)

Andy Stanley put it this way, “Direction, not intention, determines destination.”

When you create a 10-year vision for your church, you help your leadership, staff, and congregation have a clear, concise direction for where the church is headed.

This vision helps create alignment and assists in elevating above the weekly whirlwind. It also helps you tackle the true problems you want to solve and ultimately realize the huge impact your church can make.

Wouldn’t it be great to point to a 10-year vision as a tool to help make decisions today? Maybe that means you cancel ‘that program’, start the new campaign, or make the choice to boldly go where you know that God is leading you.

Put simply, a 10-Year vision helps you to be a church on mission.

How Does Our Church Start Creating a 10-Year Vision?

  1. Start by asking yourself this question: What does God want our Church to look like in 10-years? This question forces you to have faith in a large way. You will likely have a long list.
  2. Trim that list down to a few compelling sentences. They should be something that everyone can grab onto and be excited about. It should be inspiring and move people to have faith that God will provide.
  3. Include ways to know when you arrive at the 10-year vision. It needs to be grabbable by everyone – not just the dreamers!

What are Some Examples of Church’s 10-Year Visions to Help You Get Started?

  1. Church Growth: We have 30 churches / campuses in California that are irresistible to the unchurched by 2030.
  2. Future Planning: We are a multigenerational, multi-ethnic church with a median age of 35.
  3. Missional: 500 people are attending mission trips each year.
  4. Leadership: We have launched a flourishing leadership college.
  5. The City: We have doubled our outward focus and partnerships.

Remember, the 10-year vision for your church should be exciting to everyone! People should be able to visualize this future and recognize it will take faith and hard work to reach the goal.

The 10-Year vision is an incredible way to dream for the future. Don’t shrink back from the thrill of setting a clear direction for your team and your church.